Simple affiliate network creation

This guide instructs you how to add the simplest version of the affiliate network to Trackwill, without type-payout relation configuration

To add the affiliate network to the Trackwill platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Affiliate Network tab

  2. And click Create button

In the Affiliate Network Creation popup you need to:

  1. Set Affiliate Network name;

  2. Set Offer URL Template;

  3. Set Workgroup.

Offer URL query template

You can configure tokens for a group of offers by using an Affiliate network - in this case, you do not need to manually select tokens for each offer from one affiliate network. For example, we have a group of offers, that use the following parameters:


So we need to set these parameters in Offer URL query template and save our affiliate network:

And select this affiliate network in offers settings, that we want to use with these parameters:

When Affiliate Network configuration is done click Save button.

Last updated