Rotation types
There are 3 types of rotation:
Weight rotation
Serial rotation
Custom rotation
You can provide rotation type to next campaign components: Paths in rules, Paths in default path, Lander, Offers, and Banners.
Weight rotation
A weight rotation value is used to set traffic distribution for paths/landers/offers/banners – by percentage – when a flow has more than one component. When multiple components are created, they are automatically assigned a default weight value of 100. A component weight value can be edited at any time to redistribute traffic at an optimal ratio. This is usually done once the performance of a path has been accurately measured following the campaign’s test period.
Moreover, the weight value of 100 is assigned automatically to new components along with any paths/landers/offers/banners added. When any components are added to a path, the ratio (%) of traffic distribution is automatically updated.
To manually adjust the entity's weight, click the weight value and provide its value in the field. You can also turn on/off unnecessary components by clicking on blue switcher:
Serial Rotation
That means that the traffic will come through the paths/landers/offers/banners in the order they are displayed in the admin panel of the tracker:
Custom rotation
Custom rotation allows to precisely distribute traffic by paths / landers / offers / banners.
Let’s see how to set custom rotation for paths.
To do this, we need to make 2 or more paths. If you make 1 path and set custom rotation, all your traffic will be redirected to this path.
In case you made 2 or more paths, you can distribute traffic by impressions / clicks for each path. To do that, you should enter the number of impressions / clicks in the field near each path.
The last path in the list shouldn’t have any number of impressions / clicks, as all the rest of your traffic will be redirected to this path.
You’ve created 3 paths. For the first one you entered 50. It means that the first path will be shown if the number of impressions / clicks is 50 or less.
The second one should have a bigger number of impressions / clicks than the first one. For example, you enter 200. It means that if the number of impressions / clicks is 200 or less, the traffic will be redirected to this path.
The field near the third path stays empty, as it will receive the rest of your traffic.
Last updated